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Opinion: As war rages, Ukraine faces an escalating HIV crisis

Ukraine has the second-highest number of HIV cases in Europe, a fact easily forgotten amid Russia’s ongoing war. As of 2022, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health’s Public Health Center reported that over 157,000 Ukrainians are virus carriers. The dangers associated with HIV/AIDS have only escalated amid the war, as access to medical services becomes complicated and contact with blood increases. Awareness of the epidemic also deteriorates as both media and public attention shift toward more immediate threats.
Ukraine has, however, become a regional leader in combating this epidemic, including through the charitable organization 100% Life’s seven-year project, “HealthLink”: “Accelerating Efforts to Combat HIV/AIDS in Ukraine,” implemented in partnership with the charitable foundation Alliance for Public Health and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project highlights how both Ukraine and the world should approach combating HIV/AIDS.
Quality diagnostics are the first step in overcoming the epidemic. For example, HealthLink conducted HIV testing for over 1 million Ukrainians across over 600 healthcare facilities, diagnosing almost 26,000 people. Ninety-six thousand people were also tested for hepatitis and over 6,600 for syphilis. More than 10,000 medical workers received training in rapid and index testing, helping to enhance detection.
Mobile testing points and the online and offline distribution of rapid oral self-testing kits are crucial to further reach amid conditions like war or COVID-19. According to Ukraine’s health ministry, the distribution of rapid tests increased the number of HIV tests taken by 40% in 2023 as compared to 2022.
Spreading awareness is another critical component to addressing the epidemic. 100% Life’s outreach campaigns, focused on disseminating accurate information and dispelling fears about the disease, reached over 8 million people.
Working with medical and social workers to minimize stigma and teach them to offer testing and treat HIV-positive individuals is also important. Our initiative managed to reach more than 10,000 medical workers in Ukraine. Likely as a result, over 22,000 patients with HIV started ART for the first time, 381 returned for treatment, and 1,700 people at risk of HIV received pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the first time.
Russia’s war against Ukraine has brought new challenges for the combating of HIV. New, dangerous conditions that facilitate the spread of the virus and worsen access to treatment have emerged, including for military personnel, demobilized individuals, internally displaced people, or those living under Russian occupation. While non-governmental organizations have proven that they can take on the functions previously considered only possible if done by the state, it remains crucial to adapt the healthcare system to ensure people receive assistance.
Ukraine must continue its efforts to combat HIV, including by providing testing on the front line, especially to military personnel, primary care doctors, those who have experienced violence, and men who have sexual relations with other men, among other people. Without quality testing and increased detection, the epidemic may spiral out of control.
While support from USAID has helped organizations like ours achieve sustainable results, further support from international organizations is crucial. We need everyone on board to help with testing, drugs, outreach campaigns, and the spreading of awareness among the medical community.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in the op-ed section are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the views of the Kyiv Independent.
